Top 5 – Awesome Movies Coming to Netflix in September

The movies coming to Netflix in September are sensational.  Though there are only five on this list, this list could be extended to fifteen.  We got one of Paul Rudd’s best, arguably Edgar Wright’s best film, and 2018’s biggest success story all coming to Netflix this month, plus an original film from one of our great, young auteurs.  Here are my picks for the best movies coming to Netflix in September.



Check out the full list of all the movies and shows coming to Netflix in September right here.




5 – KING KONG (Peter Jackson, 2005)

When you make a trilogy like The Lord of the Rings, a wildly ambitious and epic world wide phenomenon that won over a doze Oscars?  A remake of a classic, obviously (sarcasm).  Peter Jackson decide to remake a monster that had been remade before, but to underwhelming results.  However, Jackson did the classic justice, crafting a film just as a big as and epic as Lord of the Rings.  Jackson took the classic story, of a film crew who goes to Skull Island to shoot a movie, only to encounter a giant ape, and gave us an even deeper, richer story that gives us more insight into the humans on the island and their motivations.  Naomi Watts deserved an Oscar for her performance as the heroine who Kong has his eye on, Andy Serkis’ mo-cap performance is legendary, and Jack Black gives a performance you wouldn’t expect from him, but it’s one of his finest.  Some people aren’t big on this film, but this is one of the best remakes of all-time.



4 – ROLE MODELS (David Wain, 2008)

Role Models was the coming out party for Paul Rudd.  A supporting player up until this point, with stellar work in Anchorman and Knocked Up, Rudd finally got the chance to be the leading man and he crushed it.  He plays Danny, a man stuck in life and doesn’t know where to go or what to do.  His buddy, Wheeler (Sean William Scott, in my personal favorite performance of his), is a hard-partier who doesn’t acknowledge that he’s stuck, he really is.  After the two get into some legal trouble, the two are forced to enroll in Sturdy Wings, a Big Brother-like program where they are put with two kids who give their lives new meaning.  Hilarious, sweet, and quotable, Role Models is a hilarious, underrated comedy that features a slew of great performances from Rudd, Scott, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb’e J. Thompson, and an unreal Jane Lynch.  Role Models is a movie with endless rewatchability, and, thanks to Netflix, that is now a possibility.



3 – BLACK PANTHER (Ryan Coogler, 2018)

The 2018 juggernaut is now available whenever you want.  Ryan Coogler’s billion dollar hit is one of the biggest and most important comic book movies ever made.  Coogler made a Marvel movie unlike any before, completely elevating the series to another level by immersing us into Wakanda combining it with slick action, a great story, and excellent performances, particularly from Michael B. Jordan as Killmonger.  I don’t need to say much else about this one.  Everyone has seen it and now we can all watch it whenever we want.



2 – SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD (Edgar Wright, 2010)

Scott Pilgrim vs the World is one of the great under-seen films of the 2000’s.  Edgar Wright made a living, breathing comic book in every sense of the word.  This is a bright, colorful, action-packed, stunning film that is as sweet as it is funny.  Michael Cera broke free from his Superbad persona to play our titular hero who fights the evil ex’s of the girl he likes, Ramona Flowers (a lovely Mary Elizabeth Winstead).  The cast is loaded with great talent, like Anna Kendrick, Kieran Culkin, Alison Pill, Aubrey Plaza, and a scene-stealer Chris Evans, and Wright directs some truly sensational action sequences.  This is a great movie that didn’t get the love is deserved when it initially released.



1 – HOLD THE DARK (Jeremy Saulnier, 2018)

It is rare that a Netflix original film gets the number one spot on this list, but I could not be more excited for Jeremy Saulnier’s next picture.  Saulnier is one of the best young directors we have working today, with Blue Ruin putting his name on the map and Green Room further establishing his voice and proving how great of a director he is.  Hold the Dark looks like the next step forward for Saulnier, as he gets the great Jeffrey Wright to play a wolf expert who tries to find a boy who was taken by wolves in a frozen landscape.  The film looks incredibly chilling, both literally and figuratively, and is sure to feature Saulnier’s visual style and use of jarring, vivid violence.  This is one of the many high profile films Netflix has dropping this fall and it is one that could elevate Saulnier’s career and make him a house-hold name.